PlayStation5 - Hogwarts Legacy

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  • Embark on a journey
  • Familiar and new locations
  • Explore and discover fantastic beasts
  • Customize your character
  • Craft potions, master spell casting
  • 1 Month Warranty
R 1,199
Discovery Miles 11 990
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R 148 pm x 24 months
Rate: 27.75%
Credit Price: R 3,552
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R 300
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R 600 /month
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PlayStation5 - Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy is an immersive, open-world action RPG set in the world first introduced in the Harry Potter books. For the first time, experience Hogwarts in the 1800s. Your character is a student who holds the key to an ancient secret that threatens to tear the wizarding world apart. Now you can take control of the action and be at the center of your own adventure in the wizarding world. Your legacy is what you make of it.